Welcome to the Jonathan Bowden Archive!
The Jonathan Bowden Archive is a repository for information on the life and work of the British author, orator, and artist Jonathan Bowden (April 12, 1962–March 29, 2012), launched today in honor of his sixtieth birthday.
Jonathan Bowden was a unique and brilliant personality who has had an immense and growing influence in the decade since his death. He deserves to be remembered. With the passage of time, however, memories and photographs fade, websites disappear, books go out of print, manuscripts and letters are lost or discarded, and artworks are lost or destroyed.
The mission of the Jonathan Bowden Archive is to preserve Jonathan’s writings, artworks, and audio and video recordings for future generations. We also wish to gather unpublished manuscripts, letters, photographs, press clippings, and reminiscences documenting Jonathan’s life to serve as the basis of a definitive biography.
If you are just getting to know Jonathan Bowden, this is the place to begin. If you knew Jonathan and wish to share materials with the Archive, please contact me at [email protected]. If you wish to help our work, please visit our Donate page.
The Jonathan Bowden Archive by its nature is a work in progress. In the coming months, we will add many more texts by and about Jonathan, as well as video tributes to Jonathan, recordings about Jonathan, a page on Jonathan’s Films, and a Gallery for Jonathan’s artworks as well as photographic documentation of his life and influence. To stay abreast of our work, please subscribe to our mailing list and RSS feed.
Jonathan was a vortex of creative energy who made an immense impact on the people around him. Now that he is gone, it is our job to protect and propagate his legacy.
Greg Johnson
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